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•   Steve Newman  1/20
•   Jay Heinrich (Heinrich)  1/16
•   Gerard Marshall  8/15
•   Kenneth Sherrow Jr.  8/15
•   Mary Lynn Garms  7/20
•   Elaine Thompson (Smith)  6/2
•   Sharon Spiess (Kreps)  2/17
•   Lynda Kaiser (Slotky)  7/3
•   Marilyn Mead (Whitehead)  4/28
•   Marilyn Yeager (Mayhall)  2/27
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3 live in Arizona
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10 live in California
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77 live in Michigan
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1 lives in Thailand
37 location unknown
82 are deceased


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Lakeview High School
Class of 1966

Hello Classmates

Wow!  We can’t believe that it has been six years since our 50th reunion celebration from Lakeview High School class of 1966.  Was it just us or was it our best reunion ever?  We had a great time and from the looks of it and the comments we received that night and since, so did you.  That’s why we decided to have a celebration every five years.  Unfortunately the Covid 19 pandemic resulted with a cancellation of our planned 55th last year. 

But we are pleased to announce that our Reunion Committee is in the process of finalizing our 56th Reunion Weekend September 9 – 10, 2022.  It appears that the Covid 19 pandemic is slowly losing strength and hopefully we will all be safe for a fantastic event.   Our plans are to have a Friday evening mixer, a golf event for Saturday morning, and a Saturday evening main event.  The proposed details are as follows:

  1. Friday Mixer (September 9th) - An informal gathering on Friday night at Riverside Golf Club that will give you an extra chance to see your old friends in a relaxed setting.  The bar and outside deck that overlooks downtown Battle Creek will be open.  There will be a cash bar and bar food menu available.  There will be a band playing on the outside deck.  More details will be communicated later.
  2. Saturday Golf (September 10th) - A golf event will be organized for Saturday morning at one of the local golf courses.  We are planning a shotgun start with tee off at 10:00 am.   Details regarding the event, golf course, cost, and pairings will be communicated later.   Please indicate if you plan to play golf.  All classmates and guests are welcome.
  3. Saturday Going Deep (September 10th) – Bill Ryan will be organizing a Going Deep meeting with those who wish to participate.  He will be in contact with all to identify the details including time and location for the event.
  1. Saturday Dinner (September 10th) - The main Saturday evening event will be at the Riverside Golf Club.  We will begin with a cocktail and hors d'oeuvres hour, followed by buffet dinnerThere will be dancing on the outside deck under the stars overlooking the Battle Creek skyline.  There will be a band playing classic rock and country music.  Dress is casual.  A cash bar will be provided.  The price for the Saturday evening event will be $50 per person.  This price is the same as it was in 2016 at our Golden Anniversary. 

We request that payment be made by June 17, 2022.  The ticket price for paying by credit card is $53 per person.  However, there is a $3 discount or $50 per person, if paid by personal check.  Payment details and instructions will be sent out by e-mail May 18, 2022.

  1. Sunday is open for those who wish to have their own get-togethers.

We are looking forward to seeing everyone for our 56th Reunion.  We would greatly appreciate hearing from you indicating your plans to attend the September 9th and 10th weekend.  If you have not already confirmed your plans to attend, please send a reply to Rick Hammond at by May 31, 2022 confirming your plans to attend.   Also, please identify which events you plan to participate in so we can gage interest.

LHS Class of 66 Reunion Committee


Too long ago to remember if I skipped school ( which I doubt). I became more of a rebel in college ( during the late 60's) and continue to be such as a mature (sort of) adult. I have had a most interesting life ( and still do). Proud mom of 2 grown millenials, (a daughter who was a successful actress turned attorney); I was a teacher ( now a virtual learning tutor during C19) an interviewer of holocaust survivors.... (thanks to Steven Spielberg's foundation). My most proud accomplishment are my two grandsons! Love them to the moon and back.
Also proud of the town I grew up in, with very good memories, which shaped me into who I have been for the past several decades.
Wish you all a happy and healthy journey in this event called life.

Lynda Kaiser Slotky

After all our activities and especially the tour of the "old" high school, it seemed normal to see all your faces. Now I have to go through missing you all again.
Have a great summer and always remember:
" What us got?
Us got a lot!
Us got a team that's (clap) Red Hot!"


Thanks to the Reunion community for our great reunion. I imagine it was like planning a large formal wedding: you obsess over every little detail for over a year and pray for good weather.
After all your work, the big day arrives. Your planning and praying pay off.
The you realize the the day is still just 24 hours. You go through it in a kind of dream state and don't remember how it took a year to plan.
The day ends and you wonder why you worried
about anything.
Go Spartans!

Diane Dickey

wow I keep reading all of you that are hikers and backpackers, must be all us Michigan people or or age group. I moved to Colorado because I have a job for the last 20 years ( and I'm not giving it up plan to keep working) that sends me all over the world but I only have to work 6 months out of the year. giving me lots of time to backpack, bike, hike,or jeep old trails, most of the summers. I hang out a lot in the badlands of South Dakota, Moab Utah or Yellowstone Nat. park and only 30 minutes from Rocky Mountain Natl Park plus lots of Natl. Parks all across the US and Canada. my email is so any of you come out my way I'm always looking for someone to go into the back country and explore so contact me and lets do it


I am from Sweden and was an exchange student at Lakeview 1965-66. I am sorry I do not have the possibility to come to the reunion. I am away on vacation with my husband, children and grandchildren during the time for reunion.

I live in Sweden, in the countryside, some miles from a town called Orebro. We live in a small farm and have some horses and a dog. We have two children who now have their own families and we have four grandchildren, all girls.

I am a childpsychologist and have worked with children with different handicaps. I have now retired.

I hope you all will have a very nice reunion!

Lots of love
Marianne Alén (Adler)